DBW Problem..please help!

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

DBW Problem..please help!

Postby ADOFLY on Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:04 pm

Ok, I have a std DBW throttle on my Impreza race car. During a time attack session last Sunday the throttle just stopped working while I was in the track, I switch off the engine, started again and worked fine. The data logging did not have any errors. This problem insisted all the weekend... after a couple of laps the throttle stopped, switched off and on the engine and worked.. this happened more than 5 times in the same day...rrrr...frustrating indeed!

On the data logging the throttle position log has way too many spikes.

Any help appreciated!!!
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Re: DBW Problem..please help!

Postby 20B on Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:57 am

Are you logging ALL the DBW errors ?
May be some you are missing.
Could be something as simple as a loose pin or loose wiring.
As soon as there is an error it shuts the DBW for your safety.
First you need to find if there is a logged error to chase the possible fault in the hardware or wiring.
Have you setup up the closed and open DBW positions correctly ?
Maybe post up a log file indicating where the DBW drops out so we can have a look through what your logged channels are.
The fact that when you reset the ecu ( turn off car then on again ) means you are clearing the errors and resetting it until it fails again.
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Re: DBW Problem..please help!

Postby JamieA on Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:07 am

Please forward a copy of your logging to support@motec.com.au so that we can advise you on what is going on.


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Re: DBW Problem..please help!

Postby ADOFLY on Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:28 pm

Hey Jamie, email sent...please have a look and let me know...thanks a lot!!
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Re: DBW Problem..please help!

Postby YuriK on Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:43 pm

Please send the electronic throttle motor part number to support@motec.com.au

In the log you've sent you can see that TP channel values are jumping when TP Driver channels valus stay relatively still (3:53 .. 3:58). Please send us a log file where you have all 4 sensors logged: two TP Driver and two TP channels.

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