SLM-C can addresses ?

Discussion and support for current Advanced Dash Loggers, Sport Dash Loggers and Club dash loggers

SLM-C can addresses ?

Postby phatbob on Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:09 am


I am trying to troubleshoot a new SLM-C (first time with the SLM-C) and was wondering what address it is listening at and what the message size and offset/byte values it is looking for (or if its a compound message etc.).

I have a brand new unit, added to a fully working canbus and dash, but my CDL3 wont light it up, tried both ends of the bus (was thinking it might be a termination issue). Have power, ground, wired as per the instructions and everything else is working fine aside from the SDL-C not lighting up. Do any lights come on at power up, because none do... the only way I can trigger it right now is from the CDL3 software (which isn't working and yes its got the correct CAN bus ID) but I can also generate a CAN message to it from an ECU, PDM or any other units (the ECU isnt a motec so there isnt a default to run the SLM-C)

I've seen the thread on how to manually drive an SLM from an ADL but not the SLM-C
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Joined: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:48 pm

Re: SLM-C can addresses ?

Postby JamieA on Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:31 pm

The slm doesnt do anything on startup.

I would recommend setting it up in the SLM setup screen.

then use the simulate function on the CDL software to test the setup.

if it still doesnt work, then generally it is going to be a wiring issue.

remember, you dont need to put a template in the comms area to make the slm work.

perhaps as a test, send the demo config to the dash, and that will run the slm-c by default...


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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: SLM-C can addresses ?

Postby phatbob on Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:07 am

yes thanks I forgot about 'simulate' mode.... it works !

still would be good to know the address for future reference so I dont double address any peripherals
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:48 pm

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