1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby pnanassy on Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:45 pm


from time to time i get the "Error Injector X Combined" diag error with M600 and these injectors:


I lowered the peak current from 4 to 3,5,this had no effect on the prevalence of the diag error.Should i continou to lower the peak value,or even try negative numbers to extend the peak current time?
What changes should i expect changing this valeu in the Fuel table?(Currently it looks really strange)

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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby figgie on Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:35 am

What do you have your Peak hold ratio at?

If you are using 4 amps for the Injector current, than your ratio should be at 4.0.

Those racetronix injectors are based on the Delphi which are the old Rochestor injectors :)
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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby pnanassy on Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:32 am

PeakHoldRatio is 4.With that setting i get errors in every 2nd-3rd starting,which is annoying,dont know how dangerous tough.
Now experimenting with -3 ,with -4 errors were still there.
I dont need an exact parameter,just some tipps,and general ideas.

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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby figgie on Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:21 am

pnanassy wrote:PeakHoldRatio is 4.With that setting i get errors in every 2nd-3rd starting,which is annoying,dont know how dangerous tough.
Now experimenting with -3 ,with -4 errors were still there.
I dont need an exact parameter,just some tipps,and general ideas.


well here is the issue..

when you increase the current hold time. You are increasing the possiblity of frying the injector. What is your rail pressure set at?

How is your wiring to the injector (gauge? Are you feeding the injectors off of the positive power wire that feeds A26?)? The injectors are switched to ground by the ECU (Pins A19-A22 & A27-A30, assuming an M800).

I am looking over the basics first before we get in deep :)
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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby pnanassy on Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:12 am

Rail pressure is 3,5bar.
Injectors wired with 1mm2 wires.(Thats 18AWG,altough there is some contradiction between MoTeC manual and
Pulled to GND by the M600.
+12V comes from the same relay as for A26.
(How is this last one related to the problem,why shouldnt i use another relay for example?)

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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby MarkMc on Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:15 am

If you are getting the errors on startup and not when the engine is running it is most likely to do with the total current draw in the car with the starter motor on....i.e. potentially nothing really worth worrying about. To fix it you would need to assess your whole power/ground system.

See if having a jump battery helps.

The ECU and injectors should always be connected to the same power supply. The ECU must adjust the battery compensation value based on the battery voltage the ECU sees so the voltage at the injectors needs to be the same.
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Re: 1200cm3 "Racetronix" injectors Peak settings

Postby MarkMc on Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:17 am

Oh, also. Don't go messing with your injector current settings if it is all working fine once running. Don't change the peak/hold ratio from 4 unless it is directly specified to do so for that particular injector.
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