ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Hugh on Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:51 pm


Thanks very much for the information, very clever.

I will set this up on my engine.


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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Holmz on Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:49 pm

TunedByShaneT wrote:You can do this already to measure crank twist if you have the cam control upgrade on the ECU. I was asked to demonstrate this for a TF engine builder for the same reason.

Put a 4 tooth wheel on crank opposite end from ref sensor. Hook it to dig input set to cam position 8 tooth evenly spaced. Zero position at idle. Log cam position. Position reported in degrees is difference between front and rear of crank.

Do you need the cam control upgrade to do that? or will they (m800) do that will out the control upgrade?
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Hugh on Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:59 pm

Holmz wrote:
TunedByShaneT wrote:You can do this already to measure crank twist if you have the cam control upgrade on the ECU. I was asked to demonstrate this for a TF engine builder for the same reason.

Put a 4 tooth wheel on crank opposite end from ref sensor. Hook it to dig input set to cam position 8 tooth evenly spaced. Zero position at idle. Log cam position. Position reported in degrees is difference between front and rear of crank.

Do you need the cam control upgrade to do that? or will they (m800) do that will out the control upgrade?


If you open your ECU Manager > Adjust > Digital Input functions > select the digital input you will use > function, set it to option 19 ( Cam Position)

Then from ECU Manager > Adjust > Digital Input functions > select the digital input you will use > parameters, set the number of teeth.

It is all there in my ECU manager, so assume this will work without enabling any upgrades.

The maximum number of teeth you can set is 8, so the maximum number of teeth on the crank will be 4.

Clever stuff.

Am looking forward to getting this done.

Be good to think about a strategy to apply back a correction to any error.


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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Holmz on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:57 pm

Hugh - you may want to put that info in the "Dual CRIP" thread down near the bottom of the same subforum.

I will get around to your suggestion.

You will want the maximum rate on that measurement.
I think that you may find that the value based upon the crankshaft can wander and is less than a degree or two...

The belt may have some stretch in it, and vibration, but the cam is probably pretty stiff. I have never heard of a canshaft breaking other than when a connecting rod hits them.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby TunedByShaneT on Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:23 pm

No u will need cam control upgrade to have the position reported by using the method described.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Blu302 on Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:17 am

Can we get 2D/3D tables like in the SDL and ADL?

Would allow us to asign any input to a table without having to use a physical output to get the table function to remap the channel and alloow us to take that new generated channel and use it as an input on other functions/outputs etc.

The example I have is on my SDL, I have one one channel(fuel usage rate on CAN from M800) used in 2 different tables to give 2 different outputs for display and logging, where they are filtered at 2 differnt rates as well.

These tables would allow us to get 4D+ tables for other uses as well(3D table output used as 1 channel in 2nd 3D table etc)

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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Hugh on Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:17 am

Just remembered a couple of very helpful options that were available on the Apexi Power FC software.

They had an option to switch on a trace over the map points that were active.

When mapping you made a short pull and could see the Lambda values that were achieved for the cells that were used on that pull.

Before the start of the next run, you cleared the highlighted cells to go for the next run and repeat the process.

Also mentioned earlier on in this thread, you could highlight areas of the map, not just columns or rows and perform math function on them, either add / subtract or multiply e.g. multiply by 1.1 increased the cell values by 10%
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Blu302 on Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:10 pm

I immediately felt roughted after playing with the M1 software. There are still things I prefer about V3, but there are heaps of extras in M1 that should have been in V3 from the start.

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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby stevieturbo on Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:46 am

Was this thread not in the Mx00 section, and users posting thoughts wanting them for the Mx00 range ?

So will we ever see any of them on the Mx00 range ?
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