CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

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CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Sun May 06, 2012 10:58 am

My CDL3 connected to my M2R can send configuration just fine, but it is not reading anything from the M2R. I have the RS232RX set to template Motec M4 M48 Set 5 (V5.1+). However, with the M2R, I am not sure what to input with the communications setup and I think I am in the right ballpark why this is not reading any of the engine sensors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Stakem on Sun May 06, 2012 11:26 pm

I had a similar problem with my CDL3 to M48 ecu. I had nothing from the ECU, only the internal sensors,gps,dash temp and voltage from the CDL3 displayed.
It ended up being the CDL3 to RS232 ECU adaptor loom. The Rx and Tx were in the wrong pin numbers. Check the plug on the RS232 adaptor loom where it plugs into the CDL3 the pink wire should be in the pin 1 position and the blue wire should be in the pin 2 position. Then look at the plug from the CDL3 that has ECU labled on it Pin 1 should be Blue and Pin 2 should be Pink. Look at the back of the plug for the wiring numbers. After the wiring was changed and looking at the connected plug the wiring colours did not match up but as soon as the ignition was on awy it went. Aparently there was a problem with the wiring loom,not sure if this is the problem with your system??(Loom may have been rectified) But worth a try. I ended up ringing Motec direct and talked to Pete Swinney and with in an hour he had the problem solved, awsome support. Probably best to give Motec a call just to make sure.

Hope this helps,
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Mon May 07, 2012 12:53 am

I do have the CDL3 Track Kit that has everything prewired and everything does look like it is correct. I have tried every interface configuration and I just do not think the CDL3 is compatible with the M2R. Ugh, looks like I am driving from Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC with a laptop in my lap to monitor everything, LOL.
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Mon May 07, 2012 4:59 am

So now the Motec M2R software on my laptop freezes in Windows 7 while in diagnostics mode to view sensors. I need this going so I can get home tonight :cry:
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby JamieA on Mon May 07, 2012 10:30 am

did you get your comms issue sorted out firstly? WE did have a few RS232 cables go out with the RX the TX wires backwards (pin 2 and 3). Check that first.

Anyhow assuming that is working, we need to look at the windows issue. Windows7 doesnt really support Dos applicaions properly any more. For this reason, our M84 / M400 / M600 / M800 / M1 ECU's use a windows ECU manager interface.

With the M2r, M4, M48 etc, it is always going to be a bit flakey.

My suggestion to you would be to buy a cheapo second hand windows XP laptop with a direct serial port. that will be the fastest and most reliable solution to using an M2r.

the other option is to use the Windows 7 Emulator of XP, called XP mode (I think) it is available from the microsoft website. I use that on my windows7 / 64 machine, and it does work, but isnt particularly reliable.

an old XP laptop for this purpose would be a better option.

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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Mon May 07, 2012 10:56 am

The main thing is getting the CDL3 to work properly. You are totally right with running the program in compatibility mode, I forgot about that. Anyways, the pink wire in the pre terminated CDL3 Track Kit harness matches correctly with the pink wire on the RS232 option adapter. Unless you are saying that it may have been terminated wrong from the Track Kit harness? I tried every option in the Communications for it to interface. I am actually on a train home and really want to get this sorted abroad during the weekdays so I can get the car running next weekend. My dad will be on hand to check things for me since it is at his house. Thank you to all that are helping me, it is greatly appreciated!
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby JamieA on Mon May 07, 2012 11:41 am

You should definately try swapping Pins 2 and 3 around. Just move them in the DTM, it wont require any cutting or crimping of pins. It also wont cause any problems if it isnt the problem.

It is a known issue, and we need to check that out first.


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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Mon May 07, 2012 11:47 am

Ok, cool. I will look up online how to swap the DTM pins around. However, do I have the correct parameters correct for the M2R in choosing the template 'Motec M4 M48 Set 5 (v5.1+)'?
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Stakem on Mon May 07, 2012 12:24 pm

Davin, it's fairly simple to swap the wiring pins in the dtm connector, with a small pair of nose pliers remove the orange wedge inside of the connetor then with a very small flat blade screwdriver push the tang inside of the connector down while pulling on the wire that you are removing. As for the wiring colours the pink wire ends up lining up with the blue wire, it doesn't look correct but it worked for me!!

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Re: CDL3 to M2R: Not reading ET, RPM...

Postby Davin on Mon May 07, 2012 12:30 pm

Gary and Jaime, thank you so much for your help. It is much appreciated!
1993 Mazda RX7 | 13B-REW | T04Z | M2R (w/ logging & lambda) | CDL3 Track Kit
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