I have a GPS-System running on ADL2. Working fine so far. Wanted to try the GPS-Beacon feature and did not get it to work.
GPS lat/long values I have taken from logged data and inserted the values as beacon position in the ADL2 config. Then checked it with the "online->view->GPS-beacon-definitions" feature and everything was correct. But I didn't get a beacon when I passed this point. Even when I tried different "detection radius" values (5m -> 25m).
When I open the logged data in i2Pro and use the "auto-insert beacon by GPS " function and use the same coordinates that I entered in the ADL2 config, i2Pro automatically inserts the beacon absolutely correct.
GPS track map and everything else works fine. Just the beacon makes trouble. Any ideas?
DM V4.51i
PS: just read that you need at least a 5Hz system for the beacon function. My GPS only has 4Hz, is this really the problem?