ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Alex B on Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:18 am

Hi all,

Might be a bit late but worth the input given our Motec experience since 2003.

Interpolation of selected cells e.g. part of row, column (by first and last selected cell) or selected area (by corner points). Usually invoked by right click or shortcut.

Not the entire row or column interpolation that is available now.

1.1 A percentage / absolute change of the selected area / part of row / part of column by corner points.
For example a selected 3x3 area, right click or shortcut invokes a dialog where you can input in 4 corners (going from left top to left bottom clockwise) 2, 6, 8, 4 and select a radio switch whether it should be a percentage of absolute change. So the ECU manager would do interpolation and apply the changes.

Special cold start mode during with batch fire mode or some other mode is used for fueling and ignition to enable fast engine starts.
(OEM and some aftermarket ECUs (e.g. Apex Power FC) start the engine within 1-2 secs, Motec 4-5 secs in cold weather)

4G63 with is especially a pain to start.

PERHAPS: Multispark / Multipulse option for cranking.

3. Boost controll
Overboost cut delay time (to controll how fast overboost cut will be trigerred)

4. Idle controll
A/C, P/S increase in RPM instaed of % or steps (in order to have different desired idle PRM which the idle system can adjust itself)

5. Fan / Electrical Load idle speed increase
Fan / A/C fan RPM increase or electrical load RPM increase (in order to compensate RPM for high loads on alternator)
A/C, fan, A/C fan, activation delay (to give some time to increase idle RPM before loads are applied).

5.1 Idle error reset to 0 after ECU goes out of idle mode (TH > x %). What happens is idle error rpm stays fixed at last value which can be large negative number and ecu is trying to close the stepper motor or valve when engine is decelerating with TH closed causing engine stall. Especially pain with stepper motors. Idle PID should be gradually phased in during programmable time (in rpms or time) after ecu is in idle mode ie rpm, TH and load thresholds are met.

6. Power independent timer
For using certain time based features or corrections based on total time engine was operated.
I know this is 100% possible since new ecus come with free sample lambda/logging which expires after some time.

7. Calculated channels
For example differential fuel pressure ( FP - Man Press) is more useful in corrections and warnings then plain fuel pressure. This will also reduce number of wasted aux outs used for complex relations.

Best regards
Alex B
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Scott@FP on Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:23 am

Something simple to implement- Put a note in the CRIP parameter box "WARNING- If the engine is not running, CRIP values entered will not take effect until an ECU reset has been performed!"

On a similar note- if a reset is required, have the reset box, or a 'reset is required for this setting to take effect' pop up immediately after you have pressed enter and locked in the setting, instead of having to go to a different page. I'm sure there was a valid reason for doing it this way, but its semi-annoying.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Alex B on Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:01 am


Alternative efficiency/load calculation (eg TH) if main sensor (usually MAP) is diagnosed as faulty. In addition limiters applied on other channels (e.g. lower rpm limit) to save the engine. Alternative operation mode if sync/cam position
channel fails. Important in long harsh races like Dakar.

Alex B
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby stevieturbo on Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:50 am

What about a configurable 0-5v output, or even a 0-12v output ?

It isnt that often they would be needed, but could be handy.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby _Nathan_ on Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:11 pm

Can we have a virtual dig \ at input, ie one that isn't actually associated with a physical input but can be assigned to a CAN channel and then assigned to a function.

Currently if you've used all of the physical AT inputs you can't then activate a function based on a CAN input, eg pit lane speed limit from a dig in on a dash as the only channels capable of both being assigned to a function and being set to use a CAN input are the 6 ATs.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby _Nathan_ on Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:43 am

Nice easy one for you, when you connect ecu manager to an ecu with old firmware add an option to "ignore firmware version warning for this ecu" or similar so that next time you connect that serial numbered ecu you don't get the version message, remove the risk of accidentally clicking yes just before the car goes out!
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Hugh on Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:50 am

I would like to find out how much flex there is in my crank at high power / revs.

The ability to add a further hall sensor to the front or rear of the crank to show how many degrees of twist there is and then apply the error back to the ignition timing would be useful.

Even if you could use a variation of the ref sync capture to log the above, it would be easy enough to apply back a correction.


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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Holmz on Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:53 am

Hugh wrote:I would like to find out how much flex there is in my crank at high power / revs.

The ability to add a further hall sensor to the front or rear of the crank to show how many degrees of twist there is and then apply the error back to the ignition timing would be useful.

Even if you could use a variation of the ref sync capture to log the above, it would be easy enough to apply back a correction.

How do you correct this with ignition?
Do you believe that the twist is stabile at any single RPM and throttle position?
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Hugh on Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:03 pm

I am not sure how steady the flex will be, possibly not stable at all.

Here is a 1/4 mile run with a ref signal pick up on the flywheel and the sync is on a belt driven cam


The level of movement is huge, I do not know how much of the movement is cam belt stretch, but its not helping the engine run smoothly.

The engine is an RB26 straight 6 with ~ 1000 BHP so may be prone to crank flex.

It would be easy enough to put a trigger disc on the front pulley, just not sure how much computing power would be required to monitor and adjust the ignition timing along the crank.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby TunedByShaneT on Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:09 pm

You can do this already to measure crank twist if you have the cam control upgrade on the ECU. I was asked to demonstrate this for a TF engine builder for the same reason.

Put a 4 tooth wheel on crank opposite end from ref sensor. Hook it to dig input set to cam position 8 tooth evenly spaced. Zero position at idle. Log cam position. Position reported in degrees is difference between front and rear of crank.
Shane Tecklenburg
Technical Consultant
ST Consulting
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