CDL3 and Fuel prediction

Discussion and support for current Advanced Dash Loggers, Sport Dash Loggers and Club dash loggers

CDL3 and Fuel prediction

Postby M3Ti on Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:18 pm


I am wanting to do Fuel prediction on my CDL3 and it is covered in the help pages but the Menu is not visible. Is it not enabled for the CDL3? Is there a way to show the menu?

If the menu is not , how can I do a fuel used calculation so that I can monitor fuel used whilst on track? It is connected to an M800.

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Re: CDL3 and Fuel prediction

Postby JamieA on Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:21 pm

the cdl3 does not have an option for fuel calculation. It was my mistake, the help was started from SDL3 help, and was supposed to be removed, but I missed that one, so thanks for the heads up.

Fuel calculations are usually (from my experience) extremely difficult to get accurate, It takes a great deal of time and effort to accurately drain and measure the fuel coming out, as well as measuring and filling the vehicle after each session to calibrate the fuel flow calculation.

When I was doing this, we used high accuracy scales to do this after each session to work on the fuel calculation number, eventually getting it reasonably accurate (after many race meetings of work).

Given the amount of work required to get it right, it was not considered a club level function, so that option is not available in CDL3. You could wire in a fuel level sensor with the i/o upgrade, to tell you tank level when the car is level and stationary.


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Re: CDL3 and Fuel prediction

Postby andyh on Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:41 pm


Is this still the case? I have a CDL kit, and i am told the new software has enabled this function. For me it is quite a handy tool set if it is available.

Let me know ASAP.

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Re: CDL3 and Fuel prediction

Postby AdamW on Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:47 pm

If you download the latest CDL3 dash manager you will see the fuel prediction feature is a there. According to the readme file the feature was added since version 1.40A3 June 2012.
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