I am in a very similar situation to yourself, and am using a Go Pro HD camera and manually trying to synch the video with the data, and using software called Race Render. Race Render will put data on the HD Pro (or any camera's) video by outputting a .csv file from i2 standard and adding data in Race Render as you see fit. it works, *BUT*, it's a MAJOR PITA. I, probably like many, saw the price of the VCS stuff and thought, "Hey, I can do something very similar for a tenth of the price". well, I admit it, I can't, it's been a frustrating waste of time messing with synching stuff manually, waiting for huge .csv files to be created, waiting literally hours for video to be rendered on a PC that's not designed to do this, blah blah. All my pals who say Motec is over priced, and does nothing that brand X can't do, has mega dear add ons etcetera, got to me. I see how wrong they are now, and intend to be more patient and save to buy Motec stuff designed to integrate properly with each other Motec stuff. My only gripe with VCS is why don't Motec offer an HD version? I can only assume, having messed with HD video data, that the data size is massive and it would make manipulating it slow and cludgy, plus VCS is perhaps aimed at higher end users than ourselves, who are far more interested in the hard core data than broadcast quality video to show off to their mates with?
If you have ten laps of data to synch with ten laps of Go Pro HD video, with them both starting at dissimilar times, I can tell you manually synching is a real headache inducer! I also have plenty of footage of pit garage doors, pit lane marshals, and even the inside of the truck all the way from a circuit to when the battery ran out at home.... Jamie is quite correct...!