Chris Wilson wrote:I am unable to currently afford an ACL, so am persevering using a GEMS 1 gig CAN datalogger to log my M800 CAN messages. I have set up a custom CAN and can read GPS latitude and longitude, and GPS time by titching together the two 16 bit channels using this loggers data reading software's maths ability. I do not seem to be getting any data at all for satellites in view or GPS quality down the CAN BUS. I may be doing something wrong, but before I tear my hair out would you confirm this info is available by CAN from the M800 and what format I should expect it to be, with what sort of scaling required? Thanks. Maybe the upcoming CAN webinar could touch on stitching GPS 16 bit channels together, I alone know a few Motec users interested in getting a good grasp of this. Will the new ecu's be capable of sending 32 bit channels with no cludging?
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