Fast_Moto wrote:Have you made any progress on this?
I have a sensor that provides roll and yaw rates and longitudinal and lateral acceleration over CAN. Is it possible to do the necessary filtering and calculations to get the lean angle in the ACL?
You really need 3-axis or both gyro rates as well as acceleration.
You also need magnetometers or if it is moving then the occasional GPS.
IMUs have 3x(acceleration, gyro, and magnetometers) just for that reason, otherwise you do not have enough data.
Fast_Moto wrote:.. Has anyone here done this already?
I have been through most of it.
If you export the data into .cvs format then you can read it into MATLAB, or have a .dll to look at the data post-facto. If you need it in real-time, then you will have to do it in the ACL, or in something else before it goes to the ACL.
Do you need it in real-time
You need something known once in a while - like a GPS position.