MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Postby bing on Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:57 am

I 'll be setting up a m400 in to honda s2000 (2004 Ap2)
it got 12 tooth crank wheel (REF) and 3 tooth cam (Sync)

on sync wheel it got 3 tooth space out evenly TDC , 90, 90 degree, and 1 missing.

How do i set it up? do i have to set it up like dihatsu 24+3 remove 2 teeth from the wheel?

Thanks in Advance

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Re: MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Postby Ben-S on Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:15 am

Thats what i did but to be honest i didn't even look for another solution.
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Re: MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Postby bing on Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:41 am

Thanks for your reply Ben, i think at this point that's only solution. I might have to give Motec tech support a call later see if they can custom program my trigger system.

I am going to make a plug-in adpoter harness. This is my car, i used it as my R&D.

At the same time i wish reuse my stock ECM for other OEM R&D.


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Re: MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Postby RossB on Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:29 am

Hello Brian,

We currently recommend removing two teeth from the cam trigger wheel. It is my understanding that the trigger wheel is easily removed from the camshaft so you could buy another one and re-fit the standard one when you want to revert back to running the Honda ECU. I will look in to the possibility of a ref/sync mode for this engine, I know it has been looked at before but may not have been done because there is such an easy solution to it.
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Re: MotecM400 Honda s2000 question (REF/SYNC)

Postby bing on Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:29 pm

Thank you fo your reply RossB,

it make sence that one teeth sync is better, due to quicker and much simplier for computer to find cyc 1 TDC.
It just i am wonder if possible if it can be done without modify the cam wheel.

Of course i understand that motec ECU is not something that everyone install on their street car.

But i just though if motec can have programable REF/SYNC signal teeth deg table that will make the install on most OEM base engine/car much more easier.

It just a though, i am only a tuner.


Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:52 am

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