I'm having a problem upgrading the firmware on my M600. It's currently on V3.32E. I've installed the latest V3.52 ECU manager and upgraded the firmware on my UTC no problem. When I connect using the latest ECU manager it prompts me to install new firmware as expected. When I try though it gets as far as trying to erase the flash and reports an error. The error message says "Error while erasing Flash Set memory failed. Ensure the device has at least 10.5V supply. (CAN Error on Gateway)."
Luckily it didn't zap the existing firmware so I can still connect using the old ECU manager. When I do so the ECU is reporting at least 11V, all the sensor readings and voltages look fine. The old ECU manager seems to talk to the ECU fine, you can send and receive configs and it seems to run the car fine.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm a bit stumped!