by Martin on Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:59 am
If I could choose I would run 36 or 60 -2
I would just prefer -2 instead of -1 for better missing tooth detection. The tooth ratio is not so important then on higher compression engines that crank unevenly.
36 would be the better option if chopperdisc diameter is small, so that the pole diameter of the sensor does not exceed the space between teeth.
Cam sensors either mag or hall. If going mag, make sure sensor spacing is close enough to have a good output at low RPM because the tooth will be passing slowly. Most toyota`s are mag on cam with no issues at all. Also remember that Mag might be more sensitive to noise, but with the Mx00 the filtering and levels are so adjustable that its not really a problem. Mag sensors are also more reliable than Hall,,,,,,that said...havent had many hall sensors fail, only over temperature on BMW N52 hall sensors that live in oil. Oil temps went ever 160degC, so I cant expect the sensor to last.
Mag sensors are cheaper normally and robust.
On older porsche cars that run COP(dual tower coils) I use the dizzy for sync, too much of a hassle to fit something on the cam.