M800 upstream fuel injectors

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

M800 upstream fuel injectors

Postby suprafan on Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:33 am

I am running an M800 with a methanol fueled supra. I am planning to use injector outputs 1-6 for firing the primary injectors, and I want to use injector outputs 7&8 to control 2 fuel injectors that I have upstream of the throttle body.

What I am unclear about is how I need to set these up in the Motec software: Do I just put them as secondaries I and then go from there using a standard firing order for the engine? I am confused because my number of secondary outputs does not match the number of primary outputs so I need a little help/explanation of how to properly set this up.
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Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:06 am

Re: M800 upstream fuel injectors

Postby RossB on Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:20 pm

When you enable secondary injectors on a 6 cylinder setup (by setting the Secondary Inj Ratio to a value greater than 0) the secondary injectors are assigned to INJ 7&8 and IGN 3,4,5&6. The secondary injectors will be fired sequentially. If you are running only 2 secondary injectors you will eed to think about how many times you want to open the injectors on each engine cycle and the duty cycle required to deliver the ammount of fuel required. It is possible to connect more than one injector output to each injector to increase the number of injection events per cycle if required. The Ignition outputs that are assigned as Injector Outputs cannot run as peak and hold outputs so secondary injectors have to be saturated drive.

With this type of setup you may have problems with un-even mixture distribution.
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