Question about Motec M800 repair & Servo Control upgrade!

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Question about Motec M800 repair & Servo Control upgrade!

Postby LacknL on Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:56 am

Hello guy's.

Before I'll start I wanna introduce myself. My name is Luke and I'm the leader of the electronic division of the joanneum racing graz. We are students from the Univerisity of Applied Sciences Graz who are studiing vehicle technology in the 5th semester. Currently we are designing our new Formula Student Racing Car the jrX.

My first question is about repairing Motecs. One of our analog outputs still doesn't work anymore. This is very fretful because we need every ínput and output at our car. So is it possible, of course for purchase to repair a Motec? I know electronic stuff is very sensitive. But If there is a chance to fix the problem it is 10000 times better than buying a new one.

The second question is about the servo control upgrade. In the last two years our engine package consists of a normal one cylinder 450ccm Rotax engine which wos supported with a supercharger. This year we want to use a Garett Turbocharger. For controling the air flow we used in the years before a powerfull servo motor from RC-Cars. In this season we want to use the servo control unit in the motec. But we still did'nt find all information which we need.

How does the system work with the motec. Uses the upgrade four existing analog outputs which are only available for the stepper motor? Can I use this system witch bipolar and unipolar motors. Do we need external controlling units?

Many thanks in advance

Best Regards from Graz
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Re: Question about Motec M800 repair & Servo Control upgrade!

Postby figgie on Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:33 am

Hello Luke

I will preface this by saying I do not work for MoTeC....

with that said,

if one of your analog output is not working, is it not outputting voltage (verified with o-scope)? If you did verify, I would contact MoTeC EU first and foremost see what they say. It might cost money but should not cost a new M800.

On the servo control. You mentioned RC servo. those are DC based and as such, only require two outputs from the MoTeC, Aux 1 and Aux 2. with function 116 attached to Aux 1 and no function on Aux 2. Of course this will require the purchase of the Servo Motor Control. You mention stepper control. Is that in addition to the servo control?
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Re: Question about Motec M800 repair & Servo Control upgrade!

Postby LacknL on Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:11 pm

Hello figgie!

First thanks for your answer.

At our Formula Student car, we want to use a stepper motor instead of a dc servo motor. At the official motec site i read, that there is a additional upgrade which is called servo control. A friend of mine told me that it is possible to control a normal stepper motor with this module.

Best Regards
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:15 am

Re: Question about Motec M800 repair & Servo Control upgrade!

Postby JamieA on Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:33 am

if your ECu needs repair, you need to return it to your dealer, and they will send it back to motec. In general, all repairs are completed here in aus, so it will have to be sent back here by your dealer.


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