by DarrenR on Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:25 am
Yes we normally use 1Mbit/s CAN baud rate, tho the m800 can autobaud to 500kbit/s. All our dashes have configurable baud rates of at least 1M, 500k and 250kbit/s. Some of our other CAN devices only work at 1Mbit so it will depend on what else you want to connect on the CAN bus to if you can run at a different speed.
The M800 can transmit a custom set of data in 3 predefined formats,thats as far as it goes.
Unless the trans controller is fairly configurable in its CAN reception it won't receive data from at m800 directly, tho an ADL2/3 could be used to convert the CAN messages as they are fully configurable.
Darren Reynolds
MoTeC Research Centre - Melbourne, Australia.