Like everybody know, high boost applications require plugs gaps to be closed a bit to maintain spark without missing.
Which would be the least likely to missfire on a twin spark engine? (2 sparkplugs per cylinder)
1. Dual tower coil, both plugs on one Cylinder wired to same dual tower coil.
2. Dual tower coil, one side goes to firing cylinder, other side goes to cylinder which shares TDC but is on exhaust TDC
The way i understand it is that air is an insulator. Having one plug in a higher pressure environment (piston on compression TDC) will cause the plug to have a harder time to fire compared to the plug on the other side of the coil that is on a cylinder that is on exhaust TDC. (lower pressure)
Will this then have the effect that most of the coils energy is released through the Exhasut TDC cylinder? (wasting the spark energy where it is not needed)
Any insight on this would be appreciated