Nissan QR20/25 REF/SYNC setup?

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Re: Nissan QR20/25 REF/SYNC setup?

Postby DarrenR on Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:57 am

That should be fine for the ref/sync setup. The edge of the teeth you use shouldn't matter as the teeth all look to be equal size, but it does shift the timing around. If you find a problem when changing the cam timing, swap the edges. Also note that when swapping the ref edge, you will need to re set the CrIP.

DBW motor characterisation takes a good few hours, and usually it only takes about a week to find the time to do it, but it really depends how busy the engineer that does the characterisation is.
If you can be without it for two weeks, i'll try and make sure it gets back to you. Remember, it has to be given to a motec dealer to be sent here.
Darren Reynolds
MoTeC Research Centre - Melbourne, Australia.
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Re: Nissan QR20/25 REF/SYNC setup?

Postby Shiggy on Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:47 pm

OK, I see. that time period sounds acceptable.
I will see if I can manage time for this then send the throttle body to a dealer if OK.

By the way, how to determine the offset value of CAM position?
The engine uses SYNC signal for CAM position,
in this case I should just fill parameters in "SYNC CAM position" and
no need to wire a DIG input (&fill dig input parameters)?
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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:05 pm

Re: Nissan QR20/25 REF/SYNC setup?

Postby DarrenR on Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:02 pm

Ok no problem.

Yes, the sync cam position parameters are what you need to enter to calculate cam position from the sync sensor. You will notice the parameters are the same as a dig input cam position, just without the edge and number of teeth parameters as these are set for the sync function.
Darren Reynolds
MoTeC Research Centre - Melbourne, Australia.
Posts: 176
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: Nissan QR20/25 REF/SYNC setup?

Postby Shiggy on Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:48 am

OK, now engine runs with M800. thanks for your help.
Due to time restriction I decided not to use original DBW throttle body
and put 20th century style throttle body instead.
The schedule became bit tight to send throttle body to you.

I do not think I will need to do the same engine in the future though,
I will send DBW throttle body when next opportunity.
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:05 pm


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