I have been trying write Rx Script on Enumeration from DBC, I can't seem to get the script working.
Do I have to Rx them as Getinteger to local integer channel first than map a local enumeration channel?
Loic wrote:Hi,
You can directly assign a channel from your RX code with the .GetEnum() function on your DBC signal. To make it work the DBC signal must have a value table (vt) assigned to it and the target channel must have the same vt assigned as Data Type (might also work by creating an enumeration data type identical to the vt but usually it is more convenient to work directly with the vt as it allows discontinuity in the key values, unlike the enumeration).
If you are not working with Value Tables, then you have to get the value of your DBC signal (either raw unsigned, scaled, or whatever is corresponding to you need and setup) and assign it with the .Set() function.
adrian wrote:If you are using Build version or later .GetEnum() will be available if the signal you are receiving has an associated value table in the dbc file.
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