ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:31 am

Hi All,

Hoping for some help for the following please.
I'm trying to setup an ECUMaster EGT to CAN input via CAN 3 on my M150 R35 package.

I have ECU Receive set to CAN Bus 3, 0x0600Hex, message type = Sequential

I've tried all variations of the following.........
Sensor Resource to CAN 3 Offset 0,2,4 & 6
CAN 0DP.1.0 and CAN 1DP.1.0

Pulling out what's left of my hair here lol
Please see the attached screenshots.

Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 3.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 3.png (212.92 KiB) Viewed 853 times
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 2.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 2.png (308.49 KiB) Viewed 853 times
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 1.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 1.png (368.88 KiB) Viewed 853 times
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:32 am

As if 3 big pics aren't enough, here's another couple :D
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 5.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 5.png (104.93 KiB) Viewed 852 times
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 4.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 4.png (73.05 KiB) Viewed 852 times
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby NathanB on Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:58 pm

You need to change the cylinder 1 resource to Can 0 offset 0.

The 'CAN n' refers to which message block from the base receive address the message is on.

So with your receive set to 0x600

CAN 0 is address 0x600
CAN 1 is address 0x601
CAN 2 is address 0x602

The offset is for which 2 byte block in the message is.

offset 0 = byte 0 and byte 1
offset 2 = byte 2 and byte 3
offset 4 = byte 4 and byte 5

This is all described in the help for ECU receive:

ECU receive help.png
ECU receive help.png (520.29 KiB) Viewed 830 times
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:35 pm

Hi Nathan,

Thank you so much.
It seems obvious now you pointed it out.
I read the help files but had CAN 3 lodged in my head :roll:

I will try it tonight, thanks
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:00 am

I made the change to 'cylinder 1 resource to Can 0 offset 0' but it made no difference.
I've methodically tried a lot of other settings too with no success.

Can this definitely be done with ECUMaster EGT's?

Maybe I have something wrong with my chosen way of displaying the temperature, is there a way to look at the raw hex value coming in on that channel?
As shown I have MoTeC CAN Inspector running but that still shows values even if I disable CAN 3 as receive on the M150.
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:09 pm

If you turn the Channels on (~) in M1 Tune, what is displaying for the channels?

The Data in CAN Inspector is the raw data in Hex.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:46 pm

Thanks Stephen :D
I'll try that tonight when I get home (I'm in the UK).

"The Data in CAN Inspector is the raw data in Hex."
I know its displaying the RAW Hex data but is it just a straight 'passthrough' ie the M150 may be ignoring it?
This is what I meant when I questioned that if I disable CAN 3 as receive (on the M150) I still see the data coming in on the CAN Inspector which is via the M150 and its ethernet connection to my PC.

Fingers crossed I see data when I turn the channel on (~)
Am I using the easiest/correct way to display that data on the workbook? (image atached) - I'm just trying to rule out any other issues as I'm about 10hrs behind you guys.
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 4.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 4.png (73.05 KiB) Viewed 745 times
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Anthony on Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:24 pm

CAN Inpector is just monitoring whats on the bus.
Turning CAN BUS 3 on in the receive menu is telling the ECU on what ID the data to look out for is coming in on.
If there is data on the bus and you have receive OFF the ECU will just effectively just ignore it but will still be seen by CAN inspector.

For your purpose you need to have it set to ON

Regarding the best way to view the channels and their values goto all calibrate > exhaust temp > the click the button in the image below "Show channels" you will then see all the channels appear with their live values.
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 6.19.28 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 6.19.28 PM.png (85.75 KiB) Viewed 718 times
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:51 pm

Thanks Anthony, I'm looking forward to testing this tonight.

I understood when Stephen said to use show channels (~) to get the live data, I meant when thats working, am I using the best method to view it in the 'workbook' ie "Exhaust Temperature cylinder 1 Sensor"?
I didn't see anything else it could really be but as mentioned before I'm just wanting to rule out further questions another day later due to the time zone differences.

Cheers everyone for your help and patients, much appreciated.
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Re: ECUMaster EGT to CAN

Postby Thezedhed on Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:05 am

Finally getting there :D
Once I turned on the channels (Thanks Guys) I could see that there was indeed a mV signal being represented on CAN Bus 3.

When I asked.......
"Maybe I have something wrong with my chosen way of displaying the temperature........" That seems to be the issue.
In Workbook once I changed the displayed setting to be "sensor voltage" hey presto mV are shown, rather conveniently they equate to DegC.

So my final issue is how do I get the "Exhaust Gas Temperature Cylinder N" to display a value (in DegC preferably)?
Currently it doesn't attempt to show anything (please see attached image), do I need to create some sort of lookup table to equate mV to DegC, sorry its my first attempt with ECU data.

Any ideas, please :mrgreen:
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 6 - mv=TempC.png
Motec CAN 3 EGT setup 6 - mv=TempC.png (289.04 KiB) Viewed 694 times
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