Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

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Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby PEI330Ci on Sat May 18, 2024 12:13 am


From 2014 to 2017 I developed my own M1 Build project for private use. I started with version 1.3, and upgraded to 1.4.0 when it came out. To give an idea of the amount of progress made, the original Project had under 11,000 objects, and the last version I was running in December 2017 had over 17,000 objects. There is a fair amount of work into this.

Having changed multiple computers, adding the latest version of M1 build to each, I now find that I cannot compile the original project from 2017.

I've since backtracked, installing Build Version from March 2016, but I get a new set of errors. I've tried a number of the usual tricks, such as manually adjusting Module versions, but I've so far only achieved increases in the number of errors.

Does anyone recognize the below issue, and have a tip to solve it?

Unknown Object Class Error.JPG
Unknown Object Class Error.JPG (478.68 KiB) Viewed 21059 times
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon May 20, 2024 10:57 am

There is a symbiosis between the Build Version, the System version, Project base and the Modules in use with in a M1 Build Project. If one of these doesn't line up, or is not compatible with another item, then you will get these errors. What is showing at the moment appears to be that you have a mismatch with the MoTeC Input Module, and one or more of the other Modules and/or the System file that you have chosen.

Unfortunately, there is not a matrix of compatibility for the System and Module files to ease the troubleshooting needed for this, it is a matter of changing one module and rebuilding to see if the issue remains.

I would also do a compare with the last known good Project and see what has changed.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby PEI330Ci on Mon May 20, 2024 7:06 pm


Thanks for the feedback, this correlates with my previous experiences post version updates.

I'll have to do some digging into old hard drives to check save dates of projects, and hope for a winner.

Otherwise, we're off to the module version races....
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby PEI330Ci on Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:59 am

I located a working version of my project on an old computer, with a corresponding version of M1 Build. I was actually fairly far off on the versions...

The trick now will be not to get greedy on feature changes or version updates.

While I absolutely love the flexibility that M1 Build offers, I am disappointed in MoTeC's discontinuation of support for M1 Build users.

The up side to the current M1 Package offerings is that they are FAR more developed for motorsport use than what we started with, and I would easily recommend someone to get a GPR package over a development license now.
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:27 pm

Not sure where you heard that Build Support has been discontinued. It is still offered here, we just do not do Build support over the phone as it is too complex to do. Email support is still available.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby PEI330Ci on Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:59 am

Stephen Dean wrote:Not sure where you heard that Build Support has been discontinued. It is still offered here, we just do not do Build support over the phone as it is too complex to do. Email support is still available.

In May 2024 I emailed Motec USA directly asking what options were available to solve my issue. I even requested to pay to upgrade my 1.4.0 Development License and Project to a 1.4.3 version.

I was not provided with a means to support my existing Project, or purchase an upgrade, but was instead offered a new Build License purchase. When I asked what this purchase entailed with respect to the base Project file, the below information was provided:

"No projects, new or old, are offered publicly. If someone were to purchase a brand-new Build license today, no file would be provided. They would have to produce their project from what is offered within Build."

I started this thread after I had exhausted options directly with Motec via email.
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:05 pm

There is an upgrade available for the 1.4.0 licences to 1.4.1, the part number is 23467U, this licence works in the 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 builds of Build as well.

We removed the base projects from Public accessibility as we were giving away development work to our competitors by doing so.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Rebuilding a 1.4.0 Project from 2017

Postby PEI330Ci on Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:14 pm


Thank you for the helpful information.

The attractiveness of M1 Build to myself and many others was the ability to customize a working GPR file to suite specific needs. Starting from scratch, without a working base file, is well beyond the scope of most tuner's skill set.

My suggestion is this:

Existing customers should receive Email support for packages "broken" by Motec upgrading the object versions. If I were to buy a 1.4.1 license upgrade, my project would have hundreds of validation errors. Having been through this process before with previous version & module version upgrades, where I solved hundreds of validation errors only to get stuck with a "Contact Motec" error message that required sending the project to Motec for help, it would be nice to have support.

Again, I asked for help from Motec USA in May, and was offered no path to solve my issue.

What confidence should I have that upgrading to 1.4.1 suddenly unlocks the support I have already been unable to find?
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