PDM15 shut down

Discussion and support for MoTeC Power Distribution Modules

PDM15 shut down

Postby nybimmers1 on Tue May 07, 2024 9:52 pm


I am having an issue where the power output is cut to either ecu,fuel pump or both randomly followed by a total shut down to the other electronics such as dash, blower , racelogic while on track.
I have the PDM supplying coils, injectors cam sensors , fuel pumps etc on separate outputs . The car has a cartek battery isolator. The sequence this shut down is as follows . Engine shuts down as it lost fueling or ignition and shortly after the Dash , racelogic timer and all other electronics independent of ECU turn off and i need to reset the CArtek switchto restore power . There is a delay of a few seconds between the loss of engine rpm and cartek total disconnection. I have confirmed this by looking at in car video and logged data .On the in car video i have overlayed throttle which is present indicating the DME still communicates .This is why i beleive is either fuel or ignition . The led flashing sequence of the CArtek suggests to check starter,alternator power cabling . What puzzles me is the initial ecu or fuel pumps cut followed by total disconnect
Does the PDM go into a total power down command if it detects an overcurrent ? What will be the overcurrent drawn for it to go into this mode if so ? I do not know when , at what overcurrent does the CArtek disconnects as well .

Thank you ,
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Re: PDM15 shut down

Postby David Ferguson on Wed May 08, 2024 2:09 am

What you are describing is exactly what would happen if the Cartek were to detect a kill request. it will stop the ECU first with the kill signal, followed by disabling the power completely shortly after that.

I have seen that happen with the screw-on Binder connector to the Cartek was loose. Make sure you don't have an intermittent connection in any of your exterior kill buttons.
David Ferguson
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