Setup sheet without excel

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Setup sheet without excel

Postby Kiboost on Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:48 am

In i2 pro, if I open setup sheet window, I can see the path to xlsm file but create button is greyed out.
If I create it, the button is now "Edit" but still greyed out.

I guess it is because I don't have excel installed. I use libreoffice calc, or office online (don't want to poluate my PC with all office stuff and services just for a calc ...)

I would use some script to edit the file, but I don't have setup sheet file to start with. Is there a way to set maybe a registry key to use another calc software, or somewhere to download a newly created setup sheet xlsm file ?

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Re: Setup sheet without excel

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:41 am

The Excel format setup sheet lives in the "Setup Sheets" folder within your workspace. This typically is found in Documents\MoTeC\I2\Workspaces\{workspace name}\Setup Sheets\{Vehicle ID}.xlsm

You could edit this externally - not sure the best trick to get it to update. Usually that happens when you "Edit.." then exit Excel. But you can open Tools->Setup Sheets... to see the current values being used.
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Re: Setup sheet without excel

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Feb 14, 2024 9:47 am


I have attached the Circuit Setup Sheet for you, this should be on your computer as well, under C:\Program Files\MoTeC\i2\1.1\Profiles\Circuit\en\Analysis\SetupSheet.xlsm.

i2 is written to interact with this sheet using the built in COM API's in Excel. Without taking time from the software engineering team to investigate allowing this to work with other programs, I cannot see this being changed in the near future.
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Re: Setup sheet without excel

Postby Kiboost on Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:11 pm

Thanks both, I indeed found the setupsheet.xlsm in my workspace, and also the vbs script that read it with old deprecated vbscript.

Would be nice to have a python script, works great with openpyxl package as I tested it to automatically update the setupsheet when registering stints. These days with online office and such, having excel installed locally is quite rare.

All works on VM with office, but don't want to get it on my pc. Will investigate the vbs to see what can be done, because indeed, no excel installed, no setupsheet. But indeed, on the VM, editing the setupsheet with libreoffice or python works great, values appear and are updated into workspace.

Thanks again for your help, will let you know if I find something interesting.
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