Overlay on downshift

Discussion on the use of Display creator software for MoTeC Colour displays

Overlay on downshift

Postby btb on Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:13 pm

Hi all,

recently I purchased a track motorcycle that is equipped with a C125 dash. I would like to add a new page to the dash that by default shows things like laptime, temperature and electronica settings. On downshifts the new selected gear is shown in an overlay for a brief period, lets say 2 seconds.

Now 3 things can happen.
- The period expires and the default layout is shown again.
- Next downshift, the new gear must be shown and the "cooldown" period is reset to 2 seconds.
- Upshift, the default layout is shown immediately.

I don't yet have the bike but the previous owner provided a DBC file that only contains a channel that gives the selected gear. Is this possible to build this with only that channel?
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby Anthony on Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:26 pm

What you want to achieve is possible.

Can you post a copy of the current display creator config?
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby btb on Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:11 am

Unfortunately I don't have the config nor the bike yet. This is all new for me and I'm learning it with the simulator.

The current dash config is created by a party that sells it as part of a race package that is fitted on the bike. Once I have the bike I will try to download the config from the dash and make the modifications. But for now I'm learning how to create my personal layout that I hope to incorporate later. But for this feature I don't know how I should start implementing this.
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:25 am


If it has a Display Creator configuration (as it sounds like it does) you most likely will not be able to recover the Display Creator configuration file from the Display. When the configuration developed in Display Creator is uploaded, it is recompiled into a format that is compatible with the Display hardware and cannot be extracted and uncompiled to regenerate the configuration file. There is the option to load the project file into the dash alongside the compiled file for later recovery, but this option is usually not used.

The Developer of the current configuration may not be willing to supply the project file to you as well, so there is the possibility that you may have to either pay the developer to make the requested changes, or you will have to start from scratch.
Stephen Dean
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby btb on Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:03 pm

That is very likely the case. Talked to some other people that use the same package that more or less confirmed your post although they never really dived into it. The motto seems to be, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Especially since the original developer has it under active development and publishes updates periodically. Will take a closer look once I got the bike.

But I'm still interested how something like this downshift feature could be implemented in dash creator?
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby NathanB on Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:30 pm

Based on your last 2 comments, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say you have a BMW motorbike, with a dash setup from:

- BMW Motorad / Alpha Racing

If this is the case, the dashes contain a locked config (same case with many of the non Aus superbikes)

If this is the case, you would have to contact the supplier in question to see if you could have the customisation implemented (which would likely be for a fee)
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Re: Overlay on downshift

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:35 am

btb wrote:But I'm still interested how something like this downshift feature could be implemented in dash creator?

so post your test config, and we will show you how to do it, and you can simulate it.
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