Use Q function to tune fuel after race

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Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Giardbusa on Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:39 pm

Until today I used Q function wen bike was live connected with internet cable on dynometer. But during race, internet cable can't be connected. After race I connect internet cable to download to bike and transfer data to i2. But how I can use Q fonction In m1 tune to tune fuel tabel? Because actually I only can guess fuel from i2 graph and modify aproximatively fuel tabel in M1tune. I dont think that is the way to do because seams really primitive. I need be able to tune fuel acruatly after race with Q function in M1 tune. Some body can help me on that case?
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Re: Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:48 pm


The Q, W and L functions work offline and with logged data, so you can open the logged data, line up the area in the Engine Efficiency table M1 Tune and then use the Quick Lambda functions to adjust the tune.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Giardbusa on Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:57 am

Log is saved in i2. How I can open log in M1 tune if log is saved in i2?
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Re: Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:27 pm

In M1 Tune, if you have the Package open that matches the logging, you navigate to the area of the Engine Efficiency table that you want to tune, then match this location in the logfile in i2. Once this is done, pressing the Q, W or L keys will bring up a Lambda dialog window. This allows for you to enter the data from i2 into the Engine Efficiency table and update it.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Giardbusa on Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:40 pm

Package open yes but how I can open the loggin in M1tune? If I press Q or W Dialog box appear and it say ( no lambda mesurment Available) Wen I press key L Lamda box appear but I dont understand that box. I really need more clear help on that case. I need easyly tune fuel table between run. I dont Know how send pictures on that post to show you my situation. Why I can't open log file to have my run in the telemetry graph box to perform good fuel adjustment with function Q ?
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Re: Use Q function to tune fuel after race

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:12 am

It is not possible to open the log file in M1 Tune, this is opened in i2. You have to manually transfer the data from i2 into M1 Tune to do this.

You find the location in the logging that has a discrepancy between the Fuel Mixture Aim and Exhaust Lambda Normalised, you then match this location by Engine Speed and Manifold Pressure to the nearest cell in M1 Tune.
Once this is found and clicked on, press the Q button to bring up the Quick Lambda function. Enter the Exhaust Lambda Normalised and Fuel Mixture Aim values from the logging in the highlighted areas and then click OK, this will apply the changes to the Engine Efficiency table.

Quick Lambda using logging.png
Quick Lambda using logging.png (57.3 KiB) Viewed 2028 times
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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