I2 Pro Dyno use w/ Inertia correction

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I2 Pro Dyno use w/ Inertia correction

Postby speedsport on Tue May 23, 2023 3:49 am

Hello -

Has anyone successfully used used i2 Pro as a dyno analysis software and created math expressions to create inertia correction? My i2 Pro skills are limited and wanted to know if it's been done before I start trying to do it on my own.

The goal would be to correct for variances in the RPM sweep rate during a dyno run.


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Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 3:37 am

Re: I2 Pro Dyno use w/ Inertia correction

Postby plohl on Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:16 am

I think you could set up corrections etc easy enough with the maths functions in i2 pro, but I haven't seen any examples of i2 with telemetry for example being used as a dyno recorder/viewer.

I've seen examples of M1 ecu used as dyno controllers with custom software. It was very cool.
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