Warning if no CAN signal is availible

D153, D175, C125, C127, C185 and C187 forum

Warning if no CAN signal is availible

Postby HMeier on Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:15 am

is there a possibility to create a warning if the MoTeC C187 receive no CAN signals?
Now if no Can signal is receive, all values are 0. Better when a LED is flashing with the information no can signals.

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Re: Warning if no CAN signal is availible

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:20 am

The diagnostic channel of the CAN Comms template will have a non-zero value (typically 512) when no data is received for the timeout period. You could test against this for an alarm or user condition for the shift light module.

It's also possible to set up better defaults if no data is received, depending upon the desired behavior.
David Ferguson
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