External EGT-CAN device compatibility

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

External EGT-CAN device compatibility

Postby Motterdude on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:18 am

Hi all,

I have recently shifted projects around from a Megasquirt MS3X due to many reasons that are outside of the scope of this post but I do however still have a DIY Autotune CAN-EGT module.

The module itself is capable of reading up to 8 thermocouples and 8 Innovate lambda sensors via serial and transmitting all of it to the MS3X.

Now that I'm selling the MS3X, and buying an M130 GPRP (already used all analog voltage inputs on it), I'm wondering if I can still use the CAN EGT device for my already installed EGT probes.

It has configurable 11 or 29-bit CAN protocols which allow me to select Base CAN Id's, Baud rates, and Broadcast rates.

Is there specific CAN information I could have access to from the Motec side to integrate this into my build?
Is this something that I could configure within M1 Tune itself or would it require access to Build?

Appreciate the help.
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Re: External EGT-CAN device compatibility

Postby David Ferguson on Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:40 am

It's likely you can set this up for the EGTs to be received by the M1 ECU, but you will be out of luck on the Lambda as the GPxx packages required the MoTeC LTC (or PLM) to work.

Look in Firmware Help for "CAN Receive" for more info on how you do this.
David Ferguson
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