UDIG with Analog input

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

UDIG with Analog input

Postby chuckk on Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:41 am

Hello !

I'm just thinking about something here. Let's say I need 1 more Analog input but don't have the space for it (M130). I put a TPS potentiometer on the bench with my bench M130 and could see the voltage range working properly going from 0 to 100 opening.

Could I use a UDIG input that's not wired to anything for an analog signal that isn't crucial to the operation of the engine, in the event I'm missing space ?

Looking at the M1 HARDWARE document, seems the UDIG inputs have a range from -10 to 11 V with a resolution of 10 bit (21,64mV per step) That seems more than enough for let's say, crankcase pressure, if it's used for monitoring for example.

Thanks !
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Re: UDIG with Analog input

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:55 am


Not all of the input pins are available for usage with all of the sensor channels, and the UDig's are restricted to the channels that can use them.

This means that the pressure and temp channels with an analogue signal cannot have a UDig input selected to use with them. The UDig Hybrid A and Hybrid B are used when the signal coming into the M1 from the sensor is in a digital format such as SENT sensors or the output from a Ethanol Content sensor. They cannot be used with a analog signal.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: UDIG with Analog input

Postby chuckk on Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:16 am

Hello Stephen,

My mistake. I thought that since I could see the "Sensor digital voltage" signal moving around the M1tune would output the value of the translation table but it doesn't as the status is in "communication timeout".

It really is only configured to see digital/hybrid signals like you mentioned. I would be curious to see if in M1build we could still find a way to output the value of that translation table even in a "communication timeout" error.

Anyway ! time to look for another solution !

Thanks again.
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Re: UDIG with Analog input

Postby zelayabros on Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:57 am

Sorry to bump this up, was looking at a bunch of old threads searching for something unrelated.

You can assign a UDIG for use in a sensor in MUSA Drag firmware - it is a bit of a work around:

Aux Input 1
Mode: Digital Voltage
State: Voltage
Digital: Choose your UDIG of interest
Firmware Resource: Choose your firmware resource and note which one you choose (keep in mind the system does not monitor if you assign multiple items to the same firmware resource so it is important to keep track of what you assign where)

Now this firmware resource can be assigned to any sensor in the firmware and it will report voltage as if you were using an AV.

Keep in mind you have worse resolution when using UDIGs for voltage measurements as their primary purpose is not for high resolution voltage measurement, this is a work around for when you're tight on I/O and the resolution is not critical.
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Re: UDIG with Analog input

Postby PEI330Ci on Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:11 pm

If you can get the voltage signal to a Motec dash over CAN, you can do pretty much anything you want with it.

I've used switch inputs on PDMs for low precision sensor inputs, and had them read by the dash, then sent to the M1 as a CAN input.

Using M1 build, I've also had switch voltages on the M1 sent over CAN to the dash.....
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