by Stephen Dean on Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:45 pm
Can you please upload the M1 Package and if you have it, logging of this occurring.
Looking at the minimal data provided, it looks like your Idle Mass Flow Feed Forward table has not bee configured, as the throttle is not moving to catch the idle speed drop. Your are also sitting on the advance limit for the Ignition Timing, so most of the control is being done by the Ignition. The engine should not be needing 25 degrees of timing to idle.
What is the Lambda doing as well? it may be that you do not have enough fuel in the Efficiency Table and it is running on the Crank Volume Compensation fuel for the first period of time that it is running for, and when this fuel runs out, then the mixture leans out and the engine stalls.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia