Merge data command

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Merge data command

Postby FrankL on Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:47 am


I am trying to merge 2 file with the "File/Merge Data" command.

I am not exactly sure that this command is made for adding two files end to end or if it is made to merge missing channel together.

If it is made to add to files end to end it doesn't seem it is working. I select one outing as the main and a other outing as the overlay. I2 is calculation something and create a new file with the xxx_merge, but there is nothing more that the main file in it.

Can someone help me on that?
I wasn't able to find any information on the help menu of I2.

Thanks, Frank
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Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:39 am
Location: Québec, Canada

Re: Merge data command

Postby NathanB on Fri Jun 10, 2022 3:34 pm

Hi Frank,

The Merge data function in I2 is for merging files together, not joining multiple log files sequentially into a single file.

What will happen when a merge is completed is that all the data from the main file is kept in its entirety. The overlay log file will have its channels compared to the main file, any identical channels will be ignored and any channels present in the overlay file will be added to merged file.

When this operation is completed, it syncs the start of the files. Adjusting the overlaid data in the time scale is ignored. If the overlaid data is longer than the main, anything logging after the end of the main logging is truncated.

The intended function of this operation is to merge log files from more than one device on a single vehicle ie. an ecu and and dash, or multiple dashes with identical logging conditions.
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