Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

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Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby quadcam on Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:37 am

In C12x Dash Manager it says that for Bit Combined channels 'The original channels can be extracted in the analysis software using the "bit and" function in the maths system.'

However, it appears the bit masking Maths is only available with an i2Pro licence or a dash with a Pro upgrade. I am wondering if I have missed something in i2 Standard or if the Bit Combine function in a C12x requires a Pro upgrade.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby NathanB on Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:32 am

The bit and maths is only available in i2 pro.

However, if you are on a reasonably recent version of i2 standard, we have added a channel bits gauge. If you right click in a workspace, select add > Channel Bits.

This will allow you to define all the bits in a channel, and will use colours to show if a bit is a 0 or a 1.

I don't have any data on hand i can setup and import into i2 to show you how this looks/functions, however this may achieve what you are after.
Channel bits display.jpg
Channel bits display.jpg (94.56 KiB) Viewed 6906 times
Channel bits function.jpg
Channel bits function.jpg (199.47 KiB) Viewed 6906 times
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby quadcam on Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:54 am

Thanks Nathan, that will work except I don't seem to be able to rename the bits. Maybe the channel name in this case (which comes from an ECU datastream and was automatically named that in the dash Comms setup) matches a predefined Motec ECU channel and the names are locked. In the pic below the named channel actually contains 16 error bits (the red one is indicating a TPS error at that point in the log) but only 8 are shown when the channel is selected and I can't do anything with bits 8 - 15 either.

Would renaming the channel in the dash config resolve this?

The other option I considered was creating bit masked channels in the Comms datastream setup but that seemed a bit extreme unless certain errors were to be enumerated on the dash.

Thanks again.
ChannelBits1.jpg (192.39 KiB) Viewed 6899 times
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby NathanB on Wed Mar 23, 2022 3:11 pm


You have selected a Bit combine channel from a piece of logging, and it has unpacked all the channels for you. It is working as intended. M800 Err diagnostics used bitfields as opposed to channel enumerations for diagnostics. If you didnt use the channel bit gauge, the only way to view that infomation would be the output value:

Screenshot 2022-03-23 144751.png
Screenshot 2022-03-23 144751.png (223.17 KiB) Viewed 6887 times

I don't quite understand what you are hoping to achieve. You will not be able to edit these pre defined channels, however you can use the bit combine function in your dash to create your own bit combine channel with your relevant data in it.

quadcam example.png
quadcam example.png (128.73 KiB) Viewed 6887 times

This gauge will unpack the channel information defined in your bit combine channel in your dash. It won't do anything further than that.
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby quadcam on Wed Mar 23, 2022 4:06 pm

Thanks Nathan. I have probably confused things. The ECU is an Autronic SM4, not an M800, and the channel is pre-named Status Grp 1 ECU in the RS232 SM4 template by the Dash Manager software. So obviously the bits are not going to match with an M800 bit mapping.

I will try renaming the channel in the Dash config, or failing that replacing it with a Condition channel type.
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby NathanB on Wed Mar 23, 2022 4:24 pm

Ok, this makes more sense.

You will need to rename the channel in the template, and then when this is done, the bits will no longer be pre-mapped.

In i2, the error groups channels for our M4/M48/M8/M84/M800 are all predefined and mapped in a directory file in i2.

When these channel names are loaded into the channel bit gauge, the bits are automatically populated.

If you have a custom bit combine channel (either one you have made in dash manager, or one from your Autronic ECU) you need to define the bits in i2 in the channel map gauge, as it has no idea what the channels are.

Hopefully this clears everything up, and will achieve what you need.
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Re: Extracting bit combined (masked) channels

Postby quadcam on Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:16 pm

Thanks, I have renamed the channels and expect it will work with the next log.
I thought I should be able to generate a channel bits gauge from a current log based on the C125 RS232 diag channels. However the RS232 Diag channels in the log don't appear in the list of available channels like the Status Grp's.

Is there something else I need to do to be able to put them in a bit gauge? They appear to be of the same Type as the other channels.
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