by David Ferguson on Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:21 am
The log file isn't useful, but the copy of your M1 package it contains is.
In Calibrating the throttle bodies -- are you manually pressing the throttle plate fully closed, then highlighting the "Throttle Servo Bank x Position Sensor Main Offset" and pressing the "Q" key? That should set your 0% position, (currently at 0.473v for bank 1 and 4.502v for bank 2).
Then you highlight the "Throttle Servo Bank x Position Sensor Main Scale" hold the throttle blade vertical (or nearly fully open) and press the "Q" key. This should set the %/V to reach 100% using the current offset. Bank 1 looks like a reasonable 25.0%/v, but Bank 2 is 25.1 which can't be right, if you started at 4.5V, you would expect that sensor to go to a lower voltage, so the scale should probably be closer to -25%/v.
Did you press the "Q" for the correct bank, when the throttle was open? Or did you have the throttle open when you set the Offset for bank 1? That's why it's 4.5V instead of closer to .5V.
Your firmware package comes from MoTeC UK/Europe -- I would work directly with them to get you calibrated.
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data