Gold Box Tune on M1?

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Gold Box Tune on M1?

Postby rocketbunnyboy03 on Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:41 pm

Hi, I am very new to MoTeC and do not know a great deal about it yet. However, I was wondering is there was a way to use a tune that was made for an M48 and put it on an M150. I have not been able to find this information any where yet. If someone knows anything about this, it would be greatly appreciated. The tune is for a KTM 450 SFX for an FSAE car.
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Re: Gold Box Tune on M1?

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:50 pm


Not really, the calculation processes for the M48 and M1 are quite different (as to be expected with a 2 decade difference in their ages) so there is not a way to directly copy information across. Even information like sensor calibrations, unless one doesn't exist in the M1, I would use the data in the M1 over the data in the M48 as we have updated a lot of the calibrations since they where done for the M4 family of ECU's.

By the time you have copied and interpreted the tuning information from the M48 to the M1, a competent tuner will have gotten most of the fuel and ignition tables done.
Stephen Dean
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Re: Gold Box Tune on M1?

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:57 am

I have put a M130 on a KTM 450 SFX, biggest issue was the ignition as we had to switch to a conventional ignitor / coil as the stock coil is setup for CDI output.

I was able to detect the TC / Mode button and make that usable. You probably wouldn't be using that anyway.

My calibration wouldn't help you either as the FSAE intake would be completely different.

If you'll email me at, I'll share an M1 package that should start a KTM 450 SXF.
David Ferguson
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