I’m looking at a club-level CAN Tyre Pressure Monitoring System that has a different CAN ID for each TPMS sender. A set of 12 senders (for three sets of wheels) and the antenna broadcasts this onto the CAN bus for the wheels currently installed. The idea is you keep wheels 1,2,3 for front left; 4,5,6 for front right etc.
This means that there will be 12 channels being logged, 4 with data and 8 with null/error/default values. For logging this is OK but I’d like to find a neat way to display on a C125.
There are a few approaches I can think of but can’t figure out how to implement them.
1. TPMS 1,2,3 get assigned to User Math Channels 1,2,3. Some maths functions finds the largest or non-default value between an assigns that to the Tyre Press FL channel. You can then log or display just Tyre Press FL. I don’t see any maths channel functions in Dash Manager I can make work.
2. Have the default/error value of the TPMS send zero. Then you could sum the value of the pressure on the three CAN channels (0 + 0 + real value) and assign that to Tyre Pres FL. Again I can’t find a way to build this functionality.
3. Display all 12 values and just live with 8 of them showing error on the dash. I really don't like this solution though.
I’m sure I can sort something in I2 to make the logging and analysis clean but I can’t figure out a neat solution for the driver display and/or warnings.