Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Discussion on the use of Display creator software for MoTeC Colour displays

Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby icanfly on Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:55 am

Hey friends, I've been searching high and low for how to integrate my rotary controller with my c1212 so that I can control the pages/menus on my C1212 that I'm building with Display Creator. I have yet to find any clear information on how to accomplish this. I've setup the dash configuration per the Rotary Controller instructions but am not seeing anything work. I've also gone through all the motec videos but am not finding anything helpful. This is my first time working with Motec gear. I've found several "Demos" on youtube of the setup working, but zero information on HOW they are getting it to work.

My setup is a C1212 with harness integrated Rotary controller with an M150 ECU. The ECU is not connected at the moment as I'm focused on the dash design and control over page with the rotary. Am I thinking about this incorrectly?

Anyone have any tips or a link to a "how to" that can help move my project along?
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby icanfly on Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:42 am


Do I need to have my ECU in the loop in order for this to work?

I can power the dash, push builds to it with no issue. The rotary is on the same powered harness as the dash, yet I don't get any illumination when I power the harness to indicate the rotary has power. I feel like I'm missing something very simple but am struggling to find ANY simple configuration / setup information for what seems to be a very basic control. I've reread the rotary setup to confirm I've setup the dash manager per instruction and am still 'no joy'.

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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby adrian on Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:51 am

You don't need the ECU connected in order to get the rotary controller working.

Firstly, in Dash Manager, check that you have the 3 CAN templates added to the CAN bus that you have the controller wired to.
Second, double check your wiring, make sure power/CAN are wired the correct way around and that you have at least one CAN terminating resistor.
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby NathanB on Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:57 am


you set up the 2 constants as described in the rotary controller under Calculations > Constants

The first one handles the backlight of the rotary controller, and the second assists in the wakeup messaging.

You also need to ensure you have a 100ohm terminating resistor on the can bus between the dash and the rotary controller, as neither device has a built in terminating resistor.

Also was the controller purchased through MoTeC, or is it just a Grayhill unit purchased from elsewhere? The Grayhill supplied units can have different base addresses (particularly the joystick version) and on rare occasion be supplied at a different bus speed.
Constants setup for rotary controller.PNG
Constants setup for rotary controller.PNG (182.38 KiB) Viewed 13149 times
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby icanfly on Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:27 am

Thank you both for the inputs - My gear is all coming directly from John Reed Racing and is all Motec branded gear. I chatted with him and he confirmed that my terminating resistor is NOT in the dash harness I've been trying to setup on the bench. There is one in the M150 harness so that will need to be added to the dash harness for bench configuration. I've ordered that and will add it to the bench harness.

I've confirmed that the rest of the config is correct per your suggestions and will follow up once I get the harness resolution in place.

Appreciate the N00b support.
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby icanfly on Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:06 am

ok - so set up the resistor on the can bus bench harness that has Display/Rotary/GPS(not connected)/can bus (power (pins 1/4 and resistor on pins 2/3) /PC comms (rj45) leads on it.

I've set up a new DM-M1 config following all instructions in this video as well as the rotary manual .pdf instructions as mentioned above.

Then imported that DBC to dash manager. I've then set up a 3-page 'default' dash configuration and uploaded that to the C1212 while powered. The dash updates to the first page of the config that was sent - still not getting any illumination on the rotary. I've reached out to John about his suggested placement of the resistor and included photos here of that benchtop lead I built for hardware setup and programming.

I would love it if someone could look at my files and harness setup above (and reference photo) and let me know if I'm totally off-target or just missing something in my setup.

Also - If someone has a DBC / DC project file that's setup correctly and known working that I can look at, it would be super helpful.
This is my power/resistor pig-tail that I built - this lead would normally be linked to the ECU. But in my case, I've built a benchtop power/resistor lead which I'm running on a 12v powersource. This is working great for the dash, but seemingly having no impact on the rotary from a powering perspective.
powerPiggie.jpg (557.57 KiB) Viewed 13029 times
RotaryTest_02 - Internal Display (using Display Creator).dbc
This is my DBC file
(33.76 KiB) Downloaded 1287 times
This is my DC Project file
(2.24 MiB) Downloaded 1256 times
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby adrian on Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:14 am

Can you share your Dash Manager file as well please, that is the one that controls the rotary controller.
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby NathanB on Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:16 am


Can you attach your Dash manager project as well.

Also what are you trying to achieve?

As most of the button setup is done in the dash manager configuration.

Also which CAN bus have you got the rotary controller wired to on the C1212? Bus 1 or 2?

I will build you a dash manager on config to allow you to test functionality
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby NathanB on Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:30 am

I have quickly put together a rough config you could load into a C1212 for testing.

I have the rotary controller connected to CAN 2 in this example.

On the screen it has some of the channels for the rotary controller, so you can check button presses etc

The dial will scroll through the 3 default screens. This is acheived by creating a counter that tracks the change in the dial position. To make use of the dial as a scroller, you will need to have a counter like this. As there were only 3 screens, I only made the counter go from 1-3 and roll over at its limits for this example.

Button two is assigned to alarm acknowledge. You can see this setup in the user conditions.

I don't have a C1212 available to me to test this, but it should all work as intended.

If you aren't getting any response from the button channels, you may need to check the wiring. I have also added can 2 comms diag onto the race screen. This will display a diagnostic number for the state of the can bus


We have just had another look at you photo of the CAN wiring. You have a CAN terminating resistor for pins 2 and 3 of the rotary controller connector, but we cannot see any can wires going from these pins to the dash. Have you got any wires going from pins 2 and 3 of the dtm to pins 18/19 (can 1) or 26/27 (can 2) of the dash connector?
Rotary controller basic test.c1212v64
(1.34 MiB) Downloaded 1421 times
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Re: Using Motec Rotary to control C1212 using DC

Postby icanfly on Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:32 pm

You all rock - thank you for rallying to help.

1. I can't seem to get either Display creator or dash manager to recognize and open the file above - thoughts?

2. I have wires in 26/7 of the dash harness to the rotary.

3. The 2 files above are my dash manager and display creator files - do I need to export something in an alternate format?
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