OK, think I am nearly there.
Fitted a ZF GS1001 sensor to the crank and enabled the pull up and am now getting an RPM!!!
The only odd things are -
The peak voltage on the ZF GS1001 is only 3.9V...is this normal?
For info I tried to enable the pull on the Sync sensor and instead of having a 0-5.5V square wave I then had a 3-5.5V square wave. Weird. I disabled the pull up.
Just need to confirm where the missing teeth are in relation to TDC now!

- i2 trace
- Screenshot 2020-12-16 212741.png (247.95 KiB) Viewed 11566 times

- Pin trace
- Screenshot 2020-12-16 202807.png (337.01 KiB) Viewed 11566 times