by David Ferguson on Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:40 am
I have implemented a several functions using counters. Such as
Wiper Speed = Counter(range:0..2, increment:Wiper Speed Button, edge=rising, wrap=true)
Display Brightness = Counter(range:1..4,increment:Display Brightness Button, edge=rising, wrap=true,override:Master Shutdown Switch, constant=4)
I then use this channels in other functions such as:
Wiper Switch.intermittent = (Wiper On Req = true) and (Wiper Speed = 0)
Wiper Switch.slow = (Wiper On Req = true) and (Wiper Speed = 1)
Wiper = (Wiper On Req = true) and (Wiper Speed = 2)
These Switch functions are then used in the various output conditions
so the low speed wiper output condition would be
Wiper Switch.slow or Wiper.Intermittent.Speed (<- this is function that uses flash())
Hopefully that example is enough to get you going. if not, post your config and I'll see if we can help directly.
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data