M1 Lambda CAN receiving message

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M1 Lambda CAN receiving message

Postby Vlad on Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:39 pm

Good day, soon i will be upgrading to an GPR M150, from my M800, which i'm very pleased with, but i have to get used to the M1's for clients.... A couple of years ago, i have build a can-lambda controller, and for my own project, where i want to run individual lambda sensors, i want to program the can messaging in my controller to work with the M150 i will be using. Can anyone please give me the CAN receive data for the M1? Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards, Vlad Pescaru.
Vlad Pescaru
JPR Engineering, MoTeC Authorised Dealer
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Re: M1 Lambda CAN receiving message

Postby AdamW on Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:12 pm

The GP packages can only receive Lambda data from LTC(s) or PLM.
If you want to mimic one of these devices you can view the CAN message ID's and format etc for either of these in any of the dash manager softwares.
Motorsport Electronics Ltd.
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Re: M1 Lambda CAN receiving message

Postby Vlad on Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:13 pm

Thank you! SDL3 Manager saves the day again!
Vlad Pescaru
JPR Engineering, MoTeC Authorised Dealer
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