Option to hide channels that aren't available in graphs (rather than grey them out)
I'll add this to our system, but I'm not sure it will get accepted. It is possible this will add more confusion when channel names don't match up and the graph is empty rather than a greyed out channel.
Option to colour key elements/graphs backgrounds individually to help with coaching/reference
Can you give me an example of what exactly you want to do here? Do you want to change the background of a particular T/D graph in a worksheet?
Option to add notes to a graph; show as mouse-over text or have a small toggle button on each graph to show/hide notes
It is a bit annoying to access (I already have a ticket in our system to make this easier to do) but you can already add notes. Right click on a T/D graph, go to Cursor>Add Annotation
Scale graphs for variance_distance channels accordingly (doesn't work at the moment)
Can you send me an example of this not working? It seems to work fine for me.
Scale graphs for a predefined (master) channel rather than the lowest and higest value when using multiple channels in a single graph group
I'll add this to our system. Can you give me an example of when this is useful.
Colour channel for line graphs like scatter plots
I'll add this to our system but it is a bit of a tricky one. The problem is when you have multiple channels in a group or multiple overlays it would become very difficult to see what is going on.
Flip_flop with a distance option
Can you give me an example of how you want it to work with distance?
In workspace maths conditions: the option for OR as well as AND (current)
This is already in the system to be fixed.