MAF sensor tuning

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MAF sensor tuning

Postby Blu302 on Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:06 pm

Can the M1 series use a MAF sensor instead of MAP?

I am looking at moving away from my M800 to an M1

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Re: MAF sensor tuning

Postby trininavin on Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:55 am

Yes you can I think. Under initial set up, first tab engine details, under engine efficiency you have 3 choices (manifold air density, ambient air density, and airbox density) which airbox should be maf.
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Re: MAF sensor tuning

Postby MalcolmG on Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:39 am

Blue302 - the standard GP packages are not set up to use MAF. They do have the option of a MAF sensor input, but if you look at the help for this (Airbox Mass Flow channel) you'll see it's just there for logging/analysis and not used for any airflow calculations. The only other option you have if you don't want to use MAP is to use Throttle Position; however the method for doing this is a bit complicated and really more of a workaround than a properly built feature. It can potentially get a bit confusing too so I would avoid it if possible.

The best option if you're dead set on using MAF or a MAF/TPS or MAF/MAP blend would probably be to find someone to write a custom package for you with M1 Build.

trininavin - I recommend you try reading through the help - hit F1 when you have a channel or parameter selected and you'll get contextual help - which in this case will explain the difference between the three choices for Engine Efficiency Mode (which aren't what you think they are). Generally on the GP packages the help is very good - at times you need to explore up through higher levels (click on the "See Also" links at the bottom of the help page)
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Re: MAF sensor tuning

Postby Blu302 on Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:17 pm

Thanks MalcomG,

I want to keep my MAF tune from my gold box(BMW E46 M54B30) because I have tuned both and found that MAF tuning to be much simpler and more "adaptive" to unforeseen circumstances.

Accel enrichment is almost 0 in my tune and I have been able to make a basic mathematical startup tune that was 90% correct without much effort.
Even things like AT on fuel trims are small over -30 to 80 DegC intake temps.

I have been getting experience in programming so I guess I will go the route of writing my own software.


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