1kd hilux kit AFM

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1kd hilux kit AFM

Postby jwickman on Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:35 am

Hi there,

In the video on the 1kd plugin kit there was a mention about using the ford ranger AFM sensor because it flows allot more than the stock toyota one. Is there any way i can get the model number for that sensor and the wiring changes necessary to make it work.

Cheers John.
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Location: Tauranga, New Zealand

Re: 1kd hilux kit AFM

Postby jwickman on Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:45 am

Hi all,

Quick update on this topic. I managed to get the Ford AFM working on my hilux with the M150. If anyone wants more info on this give me a message. It's a fairly straightforward operation.


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Location: Tauranga, New Zealand

Re: 1kd hilux kit AFM

Postby jwickman on Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:29 pm

Hi all,

To add to the topic of AFM calibration what is the best process to do this. I am using the Ford AFM as mentioned in this thread but as its not mounted in the factory location what is the best process to re calibrate it for the setup that i have.

If anyone has any ideas on how to do this i would greatly appreciate your input.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:28 pm
Location: Tauranga, New Zealand

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