Sensor 6.3V Output

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Sensor 6.3V Output

Postby ajwithers on Sun Nov 17, 2019 4:10 am

Looking for general learning around the advantage of the 6.3V output... any best practices?

Also, saw it asked elsewhere but didn't see a definitive answer... is there a preferred SEN_OV to be used similar to matching up the SEN_5V_A with the SEN_0V_A?
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Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:32 am

Re: Sensor 6.3V Output

Postby adrian on Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:06 pm

The 6.3V isn't really used that often but there are some sensors that need a bit more than 5V to work. There are a few Hall Effect sensors like this.

Just like the 5V sensor outputs it doesn't matter which 0V you wire the sensor to. When wiring the 0V rails all you need to consider is the total load you are putting through them and possibly what might happen if you were to short and damage one of them.

Typically you would separate out your sensor types so for example you might have engine or critical sensors on A, chassis/less critical sensors on B. That means that if a chassis sensor was to fail and cause the protection on B to be triggered, the sensors connected to A would continue working.
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