by David Ferguson on Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:16 am
I suspect your problem is the channel name is not the same in the math channels as it is in the logged data.
What device are you logging with (ADL2, CDL, C185 or an ECU)?
If you open your logged data, and use the Values pane (View->Show Values) to search for "G Force", do you see the channels under the "Logged section"? If you clear the search box, and just look at the Logged section, so you see any similarly named channel (for example, in the m1, the internal accelerometer channels are named "ECU Acceleration X").
If you can find the channels you need, then you can either edit the math channels to match, or use I2 Tools->Channel Alias or Tools->Channel Mappings as a way to change the names that are used within I2
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data