INJ LS versus IGN LS

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

INJ LS versus IGN LS

Postby Bigade49 on Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:33 am


I have 2 INJ LS's left for old school dash warning lamps but need 4.
Can I use IGN LS for the other 2?

The car has an old fashioned tacho, is there a preferred channel for it? would I need a 1k resistor across the 12v feed and ground?

thanks in advance
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Re: INJ LS versus IGN LS

Postby Bigade49 on Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:39 am

oops, its an M150 :)
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Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2019 5:53 pm

Re: INJ LS versus IGN LS

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:58 am


This should be possible. With the M1, if an output is available in the Resources dropdown list, then it means that that resource type is compatible with the desired function.

As for the tachometer function, usually this is done with a half bridge, but it also depends on what the tacho needs to drive it.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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