Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

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Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby JordonMusser on Wed May 29, 2019 10:44 pm

1) Does motec consider launch control the same as rolling anti lag? Reason for ask is can I use one AV to turn either one (if car is rolling, then rolling anti lag.. if its not, then launch control). since its basically the same thing. Or do i need 2 separate AV inputs to trigger each mode?
1a) When active, can I control an output ( i want to control a solenoid that controls clutch release speed) only if I am stopped and in launch mode
2) How can I determine what the CAN address for ethanol content is? I am using 0x640 to communicate to my AIM dash, but it seems Eth% is not part of it. AIM said if I can tell them the parameters they can add it.
3) This is in a Porsche Cayman with a LSV8. The wheel speeds are clearly reported by the ECU canbus, but from what I understand without developing my own firmware I can't access those. AIM said they MIGHT be able to get that data but nothing yet. I know its bad news to tap into the wheel speeds before the ABS, so I assume my only option is to fit a tone ring to a rear CV, and also one of the front wheels?
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Re: Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby PEI330Ci on Thu May 30, 2019 3:16 am

1.) You have 3 options for rolling Anti-lag:

Launch Control
Pit Speed Limiter

Some people use Launch Control for rolling anti-lag, but if you want both you need to use 2 separate functions. I would suggest that Launch Control is used to move the vehicle from a standing start, and you use the Pit Speed Limiter function, or Anti-Lag for "rolling anti-lag" on a momentary switch.

1a.) Unless you get a Development License, you will not be able to link an ECU output to the Launch Control State, or Pit Limiter state through the software. You could however use a Motec Dash to read the state of Launch Control, Anti-Lag, or the Pit Speed Limiter that is output by the M1 over CAN. You can then use one of the 4-8 Aux outputs with a logic function on the dash (You can stack 2 and 3 axis tables for advanced logic functions) to switch on a relay.

2.) Download Motec Dash Manager, for any of the Motec dash models, and open a new template as an M1 receiving dash. Under communications, you can find all of the CAN input channels from an M1 ECU.

Ethanol % is actually called Fuel Composition in Motec, and is transmitted on 0x670 as part of a compound message. (See Dash manager for the address details) The resolution of this is 0.4%, and it's transmitted at 50hz.

3.) A Motec Dash would help you with the wheel speeds, as you can get templates for Porsche ABS systems, or manually input the CAN ID. Alternatively, you can get a CAN sniffer like the unit I've linked below, and do-it-yourself. ... -basic.htm

BTW, I'm also integrating a (Magnus) clutch release valve on a race car, except I'm adding another solenoid that holds the clutch disengaged together with a line-lock function. Releasing the launch button causes the brakes to release, the clutch to start feeding out, and the clutch release valve to be engaged until Launch Control State becomes inactive.
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Re: Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby JordonMusser on Thu May 30, 2019 4:12 am

Thanks for the info. This helps me finish wiring and then I will see if I can manage the same strategies with the AIM dash with some work. Looks like the motec dash would have been easier, but also 3X the cost. Hopefully AIM will come through on getting the wheel speeds sorted. They do have a CAN builder built in, so I could sniff it and add it manually.

I would need to add the status of the motec LC/ANTILAG/PS to aim as well since that doen't seem to be present in 0x0640 that AIM is showing me.

Looks like I have some fun learning to do! Wish the can sniffer was cheaper (for a hobbyist as it it priced for the professional)
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Re: Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby David Ferguson on Thu May 30, 2019 7:16 am

You can use your M1 to record CAN bus traffic. Use the "CAN Inspector" utilities, (available as part of the utilities download found at That will generate an ascii file with time stamps, CAN ID, and packet contents.
David Ferguson
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Re: Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby JordonMusser on Fri May 31, 2019 1:11 am

Thanks David!
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Re: Couple of questions (CAN/Antilag/input logic)

Postby Herrubermensch on Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:37 am

PEI330Ci wrote:1.) You have 3 options for rolling Anti-lag:

Launch Control
Pit Speed Limiter

Some people use Launch Control for rolling anti-lag, but if you want both you need to use 2 separate functions. I would suggest that Launch Control is used to move the vehicle from a standing start, and you use the Pit Speed Limiter function, or Anti-Lag for "rolling anti-lag" on a momentary switch.

1a.) Unless you get a Development License, you will not be able to link an ECU output to the Launch Control State, or Pit Limiter state through the software. You could however use a Motec Dash to read the state of Launch Control, Anti-Lag, or the Pit Speed Limiter that is output by the M1 over CAN. You can then use one of the 4-8 Aux outputs with a logic function on the dash (You can stack 2 and 3 axis tables for advanced logic functions) to switch on a relay.

2.) Download Motec Dash Manager, for any of the Motec dash models, and open a new template as an M1 receiving dash. Under communications, you can find all of the CAN input channels from an M1 ECU.

Ethanol % is actually called Fuel Composition in Motec, and is transmitted on 0x670 as part of a compound message. (See Dash manager for the address details) The resolution of this is 0.4%, and it's transmitted at 50hz.

3.) A Motec Dash would help you with the wheel speeds, as you can get templates for Porsche ABS systems, or manually input the CAN ID. Alternatively, you can get a CAN sniffer like the unit I've linked below, and do-it-yourself. ... -basic.htm

BTW, I'm also integrating a (Magnus) clutch release valve on a race car, except I'm adding another solenoid that holds the clutch disengaged together with a line-lock function. Releasing the launch button causes the brakes to release, the clutch to start feeding out, and the clutch release valve to be engaged until Launch Control State becomes inactive.

A truly impressive knowledge base, Adam! Can't wait to see the latest iteration!

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