M150 GPRD Fuel Pressure

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M150 GPRD Fuel Pressure

Postby z0mgchris on Thu May 23, 2019 10:58 am

Hi All,

I have a M150 GPR-Drag package that I'm going to be installing onto my R33 GTR. Am setting it up for staged sequential injectors and will be running on Flex Fuel. However my injectors are on a single fuel rail - 2 ports per runner with ID1050X and 1D1700X injectors.

I'm wondering about the fuel pressure side of things. Since I'll be running a fuel pressure sensor on the rail, having this feed to the primary fuel type, fuel pressure sensor input. Do I need to do anything to make sure the flex side of things being an alternate fuel, doesnt expect anything different with the fuel sensor not being enabled on it?

My thought is that I can set BOTH to the same base fuel pressure default value and it should correct via manifold pressure reference? even though the primary fuel will have a pressure sensor on it.

Thanks in advance :)

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Re: M150 GPRD Fuel Pressure

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu May 23, 2019 3:10 pm


Are you running in Flex Fuel or Secondary fuel for the Alternative Fuel Mode? The Alternative Fuel Pressure Sensor is only used when Secondary Fuel is selected as there is presumed to be two seperate fuel systems in the vehicle, running two different fuels that are not combined until post injection.

Also, with the Fuel Properties in Flex Fuel, if you are using a Flex Fuel sensor, makes sure that Ethanol is the alternative fuel selected, rather than E85. If E85 is selected, the scaling will be incorrect as the system will calculate the Fuel Properties as, for example, 85% of the E85 properties if you are running E85, rather than 85% of E100.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M150 GPRD Fuel Pressure

Postby z0mgchris on Thu May 30, 2019 9:47 am

Hi Stephen,

Sorry for my late response,

Was initially set to 98>E85 (as opposed to ethanol itself), but now is set toFlex fuel in Alt. Fuel Mode with Ethano while Gasoline 98 in primary fuel type. Thanks for the tips though! Seeing the default pressure value under all calibrate made me question if I need to do anything special

Again, thanks for the answer and response :)
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