I hope all is well with everyone.
I am on the hunt for any insight or direction to documentation that may lead me to resolve the issue on hand. Sections below include: issue on hand, hardware on hand, and troubleshooting performed.
I am unable to transmit CAN-BUS messages from a C185. (End goal of transmitting messages to a Racelogic VBOX Lite)
-C185 & Loom (Advanced math, pro analysis, display creator options)
-Phytools PCAN View
-CAN-BUS sensors for test purposes
-Racelogic VBOX Lite
-Verified C185 & PCAN interface loom quality
-Verified C185 CAN-BUS communication by receiving messages successfully from CAN BUS sensors
-Verified PCAN operation by receiving CAN-BUS data transmitted between a sensor to the C185
-Listened (no data found) for C185 CAN BUS transmitted messages using another C185 CAN BUS line(used CAN Inspector) and PCAN View. (repeated process for message types "single" and "compound"
-Trialed using "v2_transmit_0x01F_Version 1" CAN-BUS comms template that was included in dash-manager install files
-Trialed using CAN BUS transmit template made from scratch.
-Verified Baud rate and base address settings while using CAN Inspector and PCAN View
-Searched through forums, webinars, user manuals, dash manager help documents, Motec Documents DTN0019, CTN0015 "Communications and Setup"/"Motec CAN Addresses"
I have attached my CAN-BUS transmit comms setup template made from scratch just in case I am having an off week and doing something odd.
Jeremiah Wennermark
Man & Machine Consulting