Still working on this average lap time problem, I've been trying to use an outing graph to log lap times (and eventually an average). I notice the function LapLastLapTime channel returns the value of the previous lap time for each lap run. Using this, I can capture lap times for lap numbers 2 and up. So now I just need an expression that will average these values. I've tried lots of variations of the stat_mean function like
stat_mean('LapLastLapTime' [s],'Lap Number'>3,'LapCompleted'), but I'm not familiar enough with math expressions.
I thought this expression would return the last lap time (in seconds), while lap number is greater than 3, and reset the value at each lap completed. I think it may be because I do not understand what the lapCompleted channel returns as a value and whether that is valid input for the "reset" function in this expression. I've also tried stat_start, stat_end, stat_max, and stat_min, joy.
Are there any resources that explain what these channels and functions need for input and produce as output? Or is there an expression that someone has already worked out to calculate average lap times?